It’s our responsibility to ensure maintenance services are delivered in a timely, professional and safe way in your home.
To report a non-urgent repair, please complete our Repairs and Maintenance Form. For urgent issues or to speak to someone directly, call our office on 1800 573 370 and press option 1 to be transferred through to one of our Repairs and Maintenance Officers who will assist you during business hours (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday).
Repairs and Maintenance FormOutside of these hours, and 24 hours a day on public holidays and weekends, just call our office number and press 1 for our after hours service.
Our after hours service will help arrange urgent works outside normal business hours. When you call, the service will let you know if your repair is considered urgent under the Residential Tenancies Act (2010). If your repair is not considered urgent, the after hours service will log the call for the Repairs and Maintenance team to attend to on the next business day.
All repairs are important and we manage them in terms of priority. Once you have requested a repair, we will provide you with information about the timeframe to complete the work.
R1 Emergency: 4 HoursThis is when a property has been seriously affected by fire, storm or flooding or when a property isn’t safe or fit to live in, e.g. as a result of flood, fire, burst water service or a dangerous electrical fault. | R2 Urgent: 24 hoursThis is when an essential service stops working or if there is any fault or damage that poses an immediate health or safety risk, e.g. serious roof leak. | R3 Non-urgent: 14 daysThis is when damage does not pose an immediate health or safety risk, e.g. a leaking tap. |
Our staff (or our contractors) will keep you informed about arrangements to have any repairs completed. We will try to ensure repairs can take place at times that are convenient with you and possible for contractors.
Please help us by making yourself available.
For your safety and peace of mind, our repair team and contractors carry identification that states their name and employer. Never let anyone into your home unless you can identify them. If you are concerned, call us for advice on 1800 573 370.