Later in 2025, SGCH will be charging all customers on the same day of the week, for weekly charges like rent and shared water. Here’s everything you need to know.
Later in the year, we will be charging all customers on the same day of the week, for weekly charges like rent and shared water. Currently we charge different customers on different days.
This change will make it easier for you to track your account, know when charges will appear and plan your payments. We’re letting you know early. There’s nothing to do yet. In June, we will start giving you more details about when things will change and how it will affect you.
In 2025, SGCH will begin charging all customers on the same day of the week, for rent and shared water.
The change is happening in the second half of 2025. We will know the exact timing in June.
In June, we will start giving you information about when the change is happening, how it will affect you and what you can do to prepare.
This change is part of our work to improve your customer experience.
It will make it easier for you to:
These are charges SGCH puts on your account each week. All customers have a weekly rent charge. Some customers also have a weekly charge for shared water.
No. The change will not affect the amounts we ask you to pay.
However, your weekly rent or shared water charges could change during 2025 for other reasons like changes in your household or household income.
No. We will continue to put individually metered water charges on your account quarterly or monthly, the same as now.
The change will not affect your Centrepay cycle.
We are holding information sessions in March and April.
In June, we will begin to give you more detailed information about when the change is happening, how it will affect you and what you can do to prepare.
An SGCH team member will talk broadly about the changes. This is because we want to let you know about this change early, for your information.
In June, we will be able to share more specific details about when the change will happen and how it will affect you. Please note, a member from our tenancy management team and income management team will also be present if you want to talk about concerns relating to your tenancy.
Throughout March and April, information sessions will be held at SGCH community rooms and offices. SGCH is advising customers of these sessions via mail and will also leave flyers in local community rooms. You can also contact our Customer Care Hub, or your Tenancy Manager for more information.
For more information you can speak with our Customer Care Hub on 1800 573 370 or alternatively you can contact your Tenancy Manager.
If you would like to join a face-to-face information session to meet staff and ask questions about the change, look out for more information in your community room or local SGCH office. You can also contact our Customer Care Hub, and they will let you know when the next one is happening, closest to you.
Contact our Customer Care HubHere is a quick guide on how to read your account statement.
Category | Description |
1. Statement As At | This is the date SGCH issued the statement. |
2. Tenancy Reference Number | This is the number you use when making payments through BPOINT or internet banking. For BPAY use the BPAY reference numbers. |
3. Rent Account Balance | A minus sign ($-0.00) means you are in Credit (Advance Money). No sign ($548) means you owe SGCH some money. |
4. Days in Arrears / Advance | If you owe SGCH money this will say ‘days in arrears’. If you are in advance it will read ‘days in advance’. |
5. Rent Paid To | This is the date that your rent is paid up to. It does not include payments SGCH has not processed yet. |
6. Water Arrears / Credit | Water arrears and credit will appear here. |
7. Other Charges Balance | Other charges relating to previous tenancies, repairs or maintenance charges, etc., will appear here. |
8. Total Balance | Total balance in either credit or owing will appear here. |
9. Market Rent Figure | The current market value for the property you live in. |
10. Billing Date | This is the date SGCH charges you for weekly charges like rent and shared water. We charge you on the same day each week. |
11. Billing Day | This is the day of the week SGCH charges you for weekly charges. This customer’s billing day is Wednesday because 15 September, 22 September, and 29 September 2021 were Wednesdays. |