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Bonnyrigg Newleaf Community


The Bonnyrigg Living Communities project was the first social housing Public Private Partnership (PPP) in Australia and was designed to create new social and private housing by redesigning, renewing and reinvigorating a public housing estate within the south western Sydney suburb of Bonnyrigg. 

At the start of the project, the estate included 833 public housing homes and 97 privately owned homes and SGCH was involved as the PPP’s tenancy and rehousing manager. 

In March 2015, when the original PPP managing the estate came to an end, our role expanded to include integrated tenancy management services, property maintenance, community development and communications. SGCH is the first community housing provider in Australia managing all of these services on a large estate in one location.

When the PPP ended, stages 1-3 had been completed. The Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) and Landcom are delivering the latest stages.



Upcoming Developments

Stages 1 – 7 have been completed.


Since announcing the redevelopment of stages 8-11 just over two years ago, SGCH has helped relocate 130 families into older homes within Bonnyrigg or homes outside Bonnyrigg. We appreciate everyone who has and is continuing to work with the SGCH rehousing team throughout the relocation process. At this point in time, we expect the next social housing homes to be delivered in 2024. There is still construction of homes currently underway, and these are being built for private residents and sale.

Humphries Precinct Stages 8-11

Work has begun in some areas of Stages 8-11, the Humphries Precinct, which focuses on building social homes for larger families. There will be 19 houses (three and four bedroom), 25 apartments and six townhouses in this precinct, along with a new park and roads to improve connections with already completed homes in other stages.

Community Centre

Construction of the new community centre on the corner of Newleaf Parade and Wall Street is now expected to be completed by the end of 2022. Completion of the project has been delayed by COVID restrictions, building material supply issues, and extended weather issues.

Once the centre is complete it will provide spaces for community organisations and residents to get together for programs and celebrations. The centre will be handed over to Fairfield City Council and will initially be managed by Fairfield City Council until they contract an organisation to manage the centre.

What’s next?

LAHC is continuing to work through the planning process for the next stages 12 and 13. It is anticipated that relocations in Goodman Way and Derry Way will start next year.

These areas will have new 1, and 2 bedroom apartments built for both social housing homes and private sale. The apartments will be next to shops, bus services and a new town centre plaza.

Two story home in Bonnyrigg next to construction site
Two story home in Bonnyrigg with trees and lush gardens
A row of two story homes under construction
A two story home in Bonnyrigg coloured tan and dark grey
Sign that reads 'Newleaf, Development underway' with trees in the background
A footpath leading through green tree dotted lawns
Wide view of a row of two story homes overlooking a leafy park and basketball court
Teenagers playing on an unusual and creative playground with climbing webs and structures and a slide
Teenagers playing on an unusual and creative playground with climbing webs and structures and a slide
Teenagers playing on an unusual and creative playground with climbing webs and structures and a slide
Smiling staff helping a customer at reception

Get Involved

Bonnyrigg customers can get involved in Activities such as art classes, exercise programs, Local Tenant Group meetings, English classes and gardening groups have continued to build interest and engagement.

There is also a Sensory Garden open to the local community, with gardening workshops and plenty of opportunities to get involved.

Since April 2015, the SGCH Place Coordinator and Community Engagement Coordiantor have worked to strengthen community services and groups in the Bonnyrigg community.

This includes Bonnyrigg Youth Council, daily community development programs that run in the SGCH community room and a brand new sensory garden with workshops partnered with Community Greening.

There are several resident groups including the Bonnyrigg local tenant group, Bonnyrigg Youth Council, five language groups and Community Reference Group (CRG) which work together to enhance the local community.

What’s on in Bonnyrigg?

Bonnyrigg News

The whole of Bonnyrigg is becoming more attractive. There are more parks, more shopping and better transport. I really like it as it is becoming another main city. I actually can’t wait to move. The new houses are so fresh.

Sanaa, Bonnyrigg Resident