Launched to help people struggling with life to feel connected and supported, R U OK Day is held in September each year to encourage all of us to look out for our friends and family and simply start a conversation giving them the opportunity to open up and talk.
On 12 September community members from Bonnyrigg and surrounds met in the The Hub@Bonnyrigg Dhanawi to enjoy morning tea and celebrate R U Ok? Day.
In keeping with the colours of R U OK Day everyone was encouraged to wear yellow and all decorations in the room were yellow, bringing some cheerful light into the space. Yellow is the colour of optimism, happiness and friendship. Everyone enjoyed a range of activities highlighting the importance of looking after their own mental health and, most importantly, learnt how to start a R U OK conversation – perhaps, ‘how are you doing?’, ‘you don’t seem yourself lately – want to talk about it?’, or even simply ‘are you ok?’