Newleaf Bonnyrigg Development Update October 2022

11 October 2022


Since announcing the redevelopment of stages 8-11 just over two years ago, SGCH has helped relocate 130 families into older homes within Bonnyrigg or homes outside Bonnyrigg. We appreciate everyone who has and is continuing to work with the SGCH rehousing team throughout the relocation process. At this point in time, we expect the next social housing homes to be delivered in 2024. There is still construction of homes currently underway, and these are being built for private residents and sale.

We recently received some feedback from a customer who moved this year. She was grateful to have moved to a home with a yard that means it is safe for her autistic child to play outside. She is also closer to the shops and her church.

While we know that this was a positive experience, we would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge that moving is a huge task, and sometimes can be daunting. We would like to thank the families that have moved so far and remind you that if you need any further support or assistance, you can reach out to us. We have 15 more families to move by December 2022 and are looking forward to working with and supporting these customers to call a new place home.

Map of Bonnyrigg showing precinct boundaries

Humphries Precinct

The focus in the Humphries Precinct will be on building social homes for larger families.

There will be 19 houses (three and four bedroom), 25 apartments and six townhouses in this precinct, along with a new park and roads to improve connections with already completed homes in other stages.

Area 1 (orange)

Relocations and demolitions in this area have been completed. The NSW Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) is engaging a civil works contractor to construct roads and other infrastructure which will continue through 2023. This area will include 10 social houses and 25 apartments and construction of these social homes is expected to start early in 2024. Newleaf Parade will remain open throughout this period.


Area 2

SGCH will continue to work with social housing tenants from Area 2 to relocate them so that roads and parks can be constructed. This road and park construction will continue in both areas 1 and 2 through 2022 and 2023. Work in these areas may impact traffic on Humphries Road and LAHC will ensure our contractors do everything they can to minimise disruption

Construction of the new community centre on the corner of Newleaf Parade and Wall Street is now expected to be completed by the end of 2022. Completion of the project has been delayed by COVID restrictions, building material supply issues, and extended weather issues. Once the centre is complete it will provide spaces for community organisations and residents to get together for programs and celebrations. The centre will be handed over to Fairfield City Council and will initially be managed by Fairfield City Council until they contract an organisation to manage the centre.


What’s next?

LAHC is continuing to work through the planning process for the next stages 12 and 13 (see map – town centre hub, the section closest to Bonnyrigg Ave and Bonnyrigg Plaza). It is anticipated that relocations in Goodman Way and Derry Way will start next year.

These areas will have new 1, and 2 bedroom apartments built for both social housing homes and private sale. The apartments will be next to shops, bus services and a new town centre plaza.

Bonnyrigg artist impression plaza area


Get Involved – The Bonnyrigg Community Reference Group (CRG) – call to private home owners and renters

The redevelopment project arranges a meeting of residents and other stakeholders every two months and we are keen to encourage new private residents to join us. The meetings are informal and are an opportunity to talk through both the social and physical aspects of the project. To find out more please ring Deb on 0423 780 159.


Keeping Bonnyrigg beautiful

As the relocations progress there are vacant homes in the active stage area. We rely on our community to report any problems or vandalism that they see. There are a few ways to help each other keep Bonnyrigg safe and beautiful below.

Illegal dumping and council clean up: If you would like to book in a council clean-up collection, please visit Fairfield City Council’s Waste and Recycling page. For any rubbish dumping, please report this at Fairfield City Council’s dumping report web page or you can call on 9725 0222.

Witness something suspicious? If you notice any suspicious behaviour or activity, please contact the Police assistance line on 131 444. For emergencies, please call 000.  

Think you should let SGCH know? If there are any other items that you think we should be aware of, and would like to report, please contact SGCH on 1800 573 370