These supported housing programs are for groups with a range of quite complex support needs. These include people with disability; young people leaving Out Of Home Care; people with severe mental illness; people with addictions; women and children; and people with a history of failed tenancies or homelessness. Mostly these customers can be referred and commence their tenancies outside of the Housing Pathways process.
Some of the programs are ‘transitional’ – that provide time limited accommodation options as people stabilise and work on achieving more long term arrangements.
We have many formal partnerships with support service programs that are designed to assist various cohorts of people to live as stably and as independently as possible.
Supported Housing includes programs like the partnership at Foyer Central supporting young people leaving Out of Home Care (in partnership with Uniting), or the Together Home Program, an investment by the NSW Government that aims to support people ‘street-sleeping’ across NSW into stable accommodation, linked to wraparound support. The Port Jackson Supported Housing Program provides 213 Department of Communities and Justice units for short term (18-month tenancies) accommodation. SGCH collaborates with 22 support partners who provide the crucial customer case management services.