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Social Impact

SGCH is committed to measuring and managing the impact of its work and the value we create for customers and stakeholders. For SGCH, our social impact is all the outcomes for people, communities and places resulting from our work, including: 

  • short and long term outcomes 
  • positive and negative outcomes 
  • direct and indirect outcomes 
  • intended and unintended outcomes. 

SGCH has had in place various strategies and tools to measure our impact since 2014. With an ongoing focus on continuous improvement, throughout 2021 we reviewed our existing framework with Think Impact with a focus on developing a renewed narrative of the change we create, our Theory of Change, and streamlining indicators and measures with a focus on greater clarity for our team, customers, partners and stakeholders.  

Consulting broadly across the 250-strong organisation and the Tenant Coordination Panel, SGCH has produced it’s updated Social Impact Framework – this is the ‘S’ in our ESG commitments.  

SGCH’s Social Impact Framework guides our approach to social impact across four interconnected areas of work: 

  1. Defining impact – ensuring we are clear about our intended impact
  2. Measuring impact – ensuring we measure what matters
  3. Managing impact – embedding an impact-focused culture and systems 
  4. Communicating impact – ensuring accountability to our key stakeholders 

The framework includes our Theory of Change and our Core Social Outcomes, which will guide all aspects of our approach to social impact, including SGCH’s Strategic Plan and our ESG Framework and Reporting. The framework also guides how we will measure our core outcomes by setting out indicators, measures, and agreed principles for impact measurement, as well as principles for managing and communicating impact. It is aligned to the NSW Human Services Outcomes Framework, demonstrating to government our commitment to evidence changes across a core set of domains in Home, Safety, Health, Social & Community, Economic, Education & Skills and Empowerment.  


Flow chart graphic titled Social Impact at SGCH, our theory of change. Graphic shows four stages - the first three grouped under the label collaboration and partnership. Stage 1 shows two items, housing supply and housing management, flowing into stage 2 'a stable foundation' that includes Home (Customers have sustainable, stable and affordable housing that is in good condition and meets their needs) and Safety (Customers feel safe at home and in their neighbourhoods). This flows into stage 3, 'opportunity to improve lives and build communities' that is supported in the graphic by support coordination and community development and place based approaches. This flows into the final fourth stage that shows a stack of five key outcomes - Health: customers have improved health and wellbeing, Community: customers feel satisfied with and connected to their community; Economy:  Customers have reduced financial stress; Education: customers have access to appropriate education and training; and Empowerment: customers have knowledge of their rights, are empowered to make decisions and feel respected and heard.