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SGCH Appoints Chief Executive Officer

SGCH is pleased to announce the appointment of Debi Marriott-Lavery as its new Chief Executive Officer.

SGCH champions bold investment in Affordable Housing in Canberra

Our Acting Group CEO, Joe Achmar, was in Canberra this week, joining PowerHousing Australia and Community Housing Industry Association to advocate for greater investment in social and affordable housing.

Celebrating 40 years of housing

Providing safe, affordable, and quality housing for four decades.

Read about our customers

Celebrating 40 years with stories from the 11,400+ people we’re proud to provide a home to.

Together we provide sustainable, safe and affordable housing as the foundation for our customers to connect to opportunities and build their communities. 

Five story building shown from the street

What we do

SGCH is a Tier 1 provider under the National Regulatory System for Community Housing.

Since 1985, we have grown to provide a place to call home for thousands of people across Sydney.






government areas

Overall customer


We are more than a housing provider.

We develop and manage sustainable, safe and affordable homes and work in partnership to realise our vision of great places, thriving people, connected communities.

A group of excited children surround the 'lion' during a Chinese Lion Dance

I feel so lucky to have found SGCH and my brand-new apartment in the Highline development, which is a less than 10-minute walk to my work.

I work shifts – often starting very early in the morning – so long commutes on public transport would have been hard. I’m also new to Sydney so I wanted to be close to friends so I can enjoy the limited downtime that I do have.

Elisa, Westmead tenant

Thanks to SGCH, I have a safe house in a beautiful community. Redfern is my home and a place I want to keep working for a long time.

Dixie, Gibbons St tenant